How to Plan a Sarah & Duck-themed Party – with free printables!

How to Plan a Sarah & Duck-themed Party – with free printables!
Your little one has a birthday coming up and wants a Sarah and Duck party – but where to start? Use these tips on décor, games, food and crafts to help you make it a ‘quacking’ day!
Print out these invitations to let your friends know where to come for your Sarah and Duck celebration. It’ll let them know what theme you’re going for.
Decorate your party venue with pastel coloured balloons in pink, green and yellow and stick up pictures of the characters around the walls to give the room a Sarah and Duck feel. You can use our colouring templates for this.
Party food:
No party would be complete without food. Put up a sign to welcome people to the Lemon Café to get them in the Sarah and Duck mood.
Use this guide to Sarah and Duck’s big picnic and your guests will soon be drinking ‘lemon water’ and eating duck-shaped sandwiches, lemon curd tarts and mini strawberry soufflés.
For the big event you try your hand at this wonderful Scarf Lady cake – simply follow the step-by-step instructions on the website.
To offer more treats on the side, make:
We know these will go down really well with your young guests – they look the part and they are yummy too!
It’s time to play some Sarah and Duck themed party games to keep the children entertained. Use these suggestions to keep everyone happy and engaged. Consider having a couple of adults demonstrate how to play the games before starting the children off.
Musical Statues with the Ribbon sisters:
- Either buy or make some ribbons on sticks – you can simply fix some coloured ribbon to the end of some lolly sticks (or even just give them a piece of ribbon if you don’t have time to make ribbon sticks).
- Give one ribbon stick to each child.
- Play some music and ask them to dance like the Ribbon Sisters with their ribbons.
- Pause the music and tell the children to stand as still as they can when the music stops.
- The person who moves the most is out.
- Keep playing until there is only one player left – they are the winner.
Skip the Puddles:
- Find two umbrellas (preferably red) and put some eyes on them like Umbrella in Sarah and Duck.
- Spread pieces of paper all around the floor – use two colours: Grey or silver paper to represent puddles (you could use kitchen foil!) and green paper to represent dry land/grass.
- Split the children into two teams and give each team an umbrella.
- The aim of the game is for all the members of the team to cross the room via the dry land stepping-stones (green paper). Each team member takes it in turns to hold the Umbrella without jumping on any of the puddles (grey or silver paper) – remember, Umbrella doesn’t like to get wet!
- When you say ‘Go’ the children have to cross the room only stepping on the dry-land paper and not the puddles.
- When the child gets to the other side they run back round and pass the Umbrella to their next teammate for their turn.
- The winning team is the one where all the team have completed the puddle jumping successfully.
Quack Ducky Quack:
Based on the game Squeak Piggy Squeak, you can play Quack Ducky Quack with your little Sarah and Duck fans.
- Sit children in a circle, on chairs or on the floor.
- Pick one child to be in the middle. This is Sarah. She is looking for Duck. Give this child a cushion to hold.
- Blindfold the child in the middle and spin them round a few times so they cannot tell which way they are facing.
- The blindfolded child feels their way to one of the laps of the children who are sat down, puts the pillow on their lap and sits on them. They command “Quack Ducky Quack”.
- The child being sat on says “Quack Quack”.
- The blindfolded child has to guess who is saying “Quack Quack”. If they get it wrong, then it’s still their turn and they need to try another lap or have another guess. If they get it right, they give the blindfold to the child they sat on and take their seat; then the group mixes itself up before they play again with the new child blindfolded.
Fill Scarf Lady’s Bag:
For this game you’ll need a scarf for each child so see if you can borrow some from friends or family in advance. It’s a scarf relay race.
- Have two adults at the one end of the room being Scarf Lady. Each adult should have a big bag. This is Scarf Lady’s bag for that team.
- At the opposite end of the room, divide the children into two teams and have two piles of scarves, one for each team.
- On hearing ‘Go’, the first child in the team puts on a scarf and then runs up to the Scarf Lady for their team and puts it in the bag.
- They run back to tag the next player who then puts on their scarf and runs up to Scarf Lady.
- The first team to win is the one whose whole pile of scarves has been transported to Scarf Lady’s bag.
- Depending on the children’s ages, you make it more varied by asking the children to hop, jump, skip or walk backwards to deliver the scarves.
Shallot and Spoon Race:
This game is like an egg and spoon race but for this game we use a shallot, like the ones Sarah planted. Also, shallots are a lot less messy than eggs if they get dropped!
- Draw some little faces on the shallots with a marker pen to make them look like Sarah’s shallots.
- Give each child a spoon and a shallot that they have to carry on the spoon.
- On hearing ‘Go’, the children race to the finish line, whilst balancing the shallot on their spoon. They are not allowed to hold it on there with their hand.
- The winner of the race wins a prize.
Arts and Crafts:
Children love to make and colour. Prepare a table of arts and crafts to help children settle in and give them something to do on arrival. You might find some children prefer this to playing games so it’s good to have some quiet play as an option.
Print out some of our Sarah and Duck colouring templates and leave some crayons out for the children to do their own masterpiece when they arrive. You can stick them up around the party to make it more themed. Don’t forget to name the pictures so they can take them home at the end.
Also provided are some templates to make stick puppets of Sarah and Duck and their friends (you’ll also need to provide glue and scissors for these). Or they could make a cut–out-and-fold version of Scarf Lady’s bag. You will need a grown-up on hand to help with the cutting or you can do it all before the party starts.
Home Time!
It’s time for Sarah and Duck to say goodbye (or quack!). Send the children home with a piece of cake and a balloon. To really impress, you could make some Rainbow Fudge – it’s perfect for popping into party bags at the end!